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公司名稱 睿思科技 English Name Fresco Logic
地址 台北市內湖區內湖路一段396號4樓 電話 02-8751-1088
電子郵件 網址 http://www.frescologic.com


Fresco Logic is a fabless chip company focused on advanced solutions for moving and storing content to deliver the high-efficient connectivity and storage across consumer electronics, personal computing, and mobile internet devices. Fresco Logic works closely with strategic customers and partners to present new products on emerging connectivity standards such as SuperSpeed USB. Providing a comprehensive offering of silicon, systems, and solutions, Fresco Logic gives product development companies the right mix of cost-effective offerings to bring connectivity and storage options to market faster.


主機端 USB 3.0 Host controller

關鍵字: USB3.0   主機端   fresco logic  
USB3.0主機端投入者眾 NEC不再獨佔鰲頭
晶片價格跌不停 可是USB3.0還是離我們好遠
搶攻USB 3.0商機 增你強與睿思簽訂代理合作
智原科技與Fresco Logic宣布一項USB 3.0合作計劃
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